Men 7: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Kyle Surgenor 12 12 100.00
2 Francisco Castrillon 4 4 100.00
3 Rajen Grewal 2 2 100.00
4 Colin Jabusch 1 1 100.00
4 Richard Luebke 1 1 100.00
4 Ifty Hanif 1 1 100.00
4 Kyle May 1 1 100.00
4 Walter Waugh 1 1 100.00
4 Mauricio Monroy 1 1 100.00
10 Jarrett Milner 13 14 92.86
11 Neil Symington 9 10 90.00
12 Kamal Adhikari 4 5 80.00
13 Angus Smith 7 9 77.78
13 Scott Stevens 7 9 77.78
15 Tim Choy 9 12 75.00
16 Jason Moore 6 8 75.00
17 Bertin LeBlanc 11 15 73.33
18 Keith Mash 5 7 71.43
19 Quinn Smith 8 12 66.67
20 Jonathan Lau 6 9 66.67
20 Ryley Killam 6 9 66.67
22 Russell Brown 4 6 66.67
23 Ryan McNaughton 2 3 66.67
23 Brandon Shokoples 2 3 66.67
23 Craig Leggatt 2 3 66.67
23 Robert Modray 2 3 66.67
27 Nick Cotter 7 11 63.64
28 Nathan Sheeran 8 13 61.54
29 Steve Hunter 3 5 60.00
30 Birol Fisekci 5 9 55.56
30 Adil Hooda 5 9 55.56
32 Tyler Hartwell 7 13 53.85
33 Thomas Nickel 6 12 50.00
34 Brendan Layton 5 10 50.00
34 Chris Morin 5 10 50.00
34 Mufeez Din 5 10 50.00
37 Michael McMahon 3 6 50.00
38 Lachlan Gledhil 2 4 50.00
38 Britt Simmons 2 4 50.00
40 Chris. Williams 1 2 50.00
40 Michael Leung 1 2 50.00
42 Denton Traptow 6 13 46.15
43 Greg Storwick 5 11 45.45
44 Wilson McKinnon 4 10 40.00
45 Ken Lucas 2 5 40.00
46 Jayme MacDonald 3 9 33.33
46 Conor Karperien 3 9 33.33
46 Steve Myers 3 9 33.33
49 Dan Bowman 2 6 33.33
50 Zia Nathoo 3 10 30.00
51 Sean McInnes 1 4 25.00
52 Ben Reeves 2 10 20.00
52 Cam Fard 2 10 20.00
54 Simas Kvajauskas 2 11 18.18
55 Ryan Gellatly 1 6 16.67
56 Theo Wall 1 7 14.29
57 Nelson Belsher 1 9 11.11
58 Randy Trafford 0 7 0.00
59 Paul Zakus 0 5 0.00
59 Richard Sansregret 0 5 0.00
61 Wesley Mah 0 4 0.00
61 Brian Milloy 0 4 0.00
63 Jeff Marks 0 3 0.00
63 Martin Holysh 0 3 0.00
63 Dave Dondale 0 3 0.00
66 Johnathan Johnson 0 2 0.00
66 conaire kehoe 0 2 0.00
66 Daniel Woofter 0 2 0.00
69 Spencer Stupka 0 1 0.00
69 Rick Ironside 0 1 0.00
69 Dexter Michaels 0 1 0.00
69 Jeremy Truscott 0 1 0.00
69 Faisal Shaffi 0 1 0.00
69 Ben Groot 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Mauricio Monroy 1553
2 Ryan McNaughton 1543
3 Russell Brown 1533
4 Richard Luebke 1512
5 Kyle Surgenor 1505
6 Randy Trafford 1503
7 Mufeez Din 1489
8 Ken Lucas 1473
9 Birol Fisekci 1471
10 Faisal Shaffi 1432
11 Craig Leggatt 1416
12 Chris Morin 1414
13 Robert Modray 1412
14 Rick Ironside 1409
15 Rajen Grewal 1399
16 Greg Storwick 1397
17 Jarrett Milner 1396
18 Kyle May 1393
19 Walter Waugh 1389
20 Johnathan Johnson 1380
21 Angus Smith 1376
22 Chris. Williams 1356
23 Francisco Castrillon 1355
24 Ryley Killam 1347
25 Jason Moore 1341
26 Britt Simmons 1321
27 Ryan Gellatly 1317
28 Dan Bowman 1308
29 Dave Dondale 1303
30 Neil Symington 1302
31 Ben Groot 1293
32 Michael McMahon 1278
33 Brandon Shokoples 1277
34 Denton Traptow 1271
35 Wesley Mah 1256
36 Steve Myers 1253
37 Wilson McKinnon 1238
37 Nick Cotter 1238
39 Steve Hunter 1235
40 Keith Mash 1217
41 Tim Choy 1215
42 Quinn Smith 1184
43 Bertin LeBlanc 1182
44 Simas Kvajauskas 1177
45 Jeff Marks 1161
46 Tyler Hartwell 1158
47 Brendan Layton 1156
48 Nathan Sheeran 1144
49 Michael Leung 1136
50 Martin Holysh 1135
51 Jeremy Truscott 1122
52 Thomas Nickel 1119
53 Daniel Woofter 1094
54 Conor Karperien 1077
54 conaire kehoe 1077
56 Ifty Hanif 1071
57 Cam Fard 1061
58 Adil Hooda 1052
59 Zia Nathoo 1046
59 Colin Jabusch 1046
61 Jayme MacDonald 1044
62 Scott Stevens 1036
62 Lachlan Gledhil 1036
64 Paul Zakus 1025
65 Nelson Belsher 1024
66 Sean McInnes 1023
67 Brian Milloy 1010
68 Theo Wall 962
69 Richard Sansregret 921
70 Jonathan Lau 918
71 Spencer Stupka 913
72 Dexter Michaels 895
73 Ben Reeves 874
74 Kamal Adhikari 611
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Kyle Surgenor 100.00 7 0
2 Scott Stevens 100.00 4 0
3 Jarrett Milner 100.00 6 0
4 Russell Brown 100.00 4 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jarrett Milner 5 5 100.00
2 Keith Mash 4 4 100.00
3 Francisco Castrillon 2 2 100.00
3 Nick Cotter 2 2 100.00
3 Neil Symington 2 2 100.00
3 Steve Hunter 2 2 100.00
7 Colin Jabusch 1 1 100.00
7 Angus Smith 1 1 100.00
7 Michael Leung 1 1 100.00
7 Ifty Hanif 1 1 100.00
7 Walter Waugh 1 1 100.00
7 Kyle Surgenor 1 1 100.00
13 Kamal Adhikari 4 5 80.00
14 Scott Stevens 7 9 77.78
15 Quinn Smith 3 4 75.00
16 Bertin LeBlanc 4 6 66.67
17 Lachlan Gledhil 2 3 66.67
18 Jonathan Lau 5 8 62.50
18 Tim Choy 5 8 62.50
20 Adil Hooda 4 7 57.14
21 Wilson McKinnon 2 4 50.00
21 Ryley Killam 2 4 50.00
21 Jayme MacDonald 2 4 50.00
24 Birol Fisekci 1 2 50.00
24 Chris Morin 1 2 50.00
24 Jason Moore 1 2 50.00
27 Tyler Hartwell 3 7 42.86
28 Thomas Nickel 4 10 40.00
29 Nathan Sheeran 2 6 33.33
29 Conor Karperien 2 6 33.33
29 Cam Fard 2 6 33.33
32 Brendan Layton 1 3 33.33
32 Steve Myers 1 3 33.33
34 Simas Kvajauskas 2 7 28.57
35 Ben Reeves 2 8 25.00
36 Michael McMahon 1 4 25.00
36 Sean McInnes 1 4 25.00
38 Zia Nathoo 1 5 20.00
39 Theo Wall 1 6 16.67
40 Nelson Belsher 1 7 14.29
41 Richard Sansregret 5 0.00
42 Wesley Mah 4 0.00
42 Paul Zakus 4 0.00
44 Dan Bowman 3 0.00
45 Jeff Marks 2 0.00
45 Denton Traptow 2 0.00
45 Martin Holysh 2 0.00
45 Brian Milloy 2 0.00
45 conaire kehoe 2 0.00
45 Daniel Woofter 2 0.00
51 Ryan Gellatly 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Angus Smith 400 1376 976
2 Ryan McNaughton 600 1543 943
3 Russell Brown 600 1533 933
4 Richard Luebke 600 1512 912
5 Rajen Grewal 600 1399 799
6 Quinn Smith 500 1184 684
7 Brandon Shokoples 600 1277 677
8 Denton Traptow 600 1271 671
9 Lachlan Gledhil 600 1036 436
10 Spencer Stupka 600 913 313
11 Dexter Michaels 600 895 295
12 Kamal Adhikari 399 611 212
13 Scott Stevens 841 1036 195
14 Zia Nathoo 861 1046 185
15 Tim Choy 1051 1215 164
16 Jonathan Lau 762 918 156
16 Adil Hooda 896 1052 156
18 Thomas Nickel 987 1119 132
19 Bertin LeBlanc 1058 1182 124
20 Jarrett Milner 1274 1396 122
21 Keith Mash 1117 1217 100
22 Ifty Hanif 1000 1071 71
23 Kyle Surgenor 1443 1505 62
24 Ryley Killam 1288 1347 59
25 Tyler Hartwell 1107 1158 51
26 Francisco Castrillon 1308 1355 47
27 Neil Symington 1258 1302 44
28 Nick Cotter 1198 1238 40
29 Ben Reeves 834 874 40
30 Steve Hunter 1195 1235 40
31 Nathan Sheeran 1105 1144 39
32 Jayme MacDonald 1005 1044 39
33 Michael McMahon 1242 1278 36
34 Conor Karperien 1044 1077 33
35 Theo Wall 930 962 32
36 Sean McInnes 991 1023 32
37 Mauricio Monroy 1523 1553 30
38 conaire kehoe 1049 1077 28
39 Faisal Shaffi 1405 1432 27
40 Jason Moore 1317 1341 24
41 Simas Kvajauskas 1156 1177 21
42 Cam Fard 1040 1061 21
43 Michael Leung 1116 1136 20
44 Wilson McKinnon 1228 1238 10
45 Brendan Layton 1154 1156 2
46 Daniel Woofter 1092 1094 2
47 Walter Waugh 1387 1389 2
48 Nelson Belsher 1023 1024 1
49 Birol Fisekci 1471 1471 0
50 Richard Sansregret 921 921 0
51 Kyle May 1393 1393 0
51 Jeremy Truscott 1122 1122 0
53 Wesley Mah 1258 1256 -2
54 Jeff Marks 1167 1161 -6
55 Paul Zakus 1033 1025 -8
56 Steve Myers 1263 1253 -10
57 Craig Leggatt 1426 1416 -10
57 Robert Modray 1422 1412 -10
57 Martin Holysh 1145 1135 -10
60 Dan Bowman 1322 1308 -14
61 Brian Milloy 1024 1010 -14
62 Dave Dondale 1318 1303 -15
63 Britt Simmons 1338 1321 -17
64 Chris. Williams 1375 1356 -19
65 Ryan Gellatly 1337 1317 -20
66 Johnathan Johnson 1400 1380 -20
67 Colin Jabusch 1066 1046 -20
68 Chris Morin 1435 1414 -21
69 Ben Groot 1320 1293 -27
70 Ken Lucas 1503 1473 -30
71 Mufeez Din 1539 1489 -50
72 Rick Ironside 1464 1409 -55
73 Greg Storwick 1454 1397 -57
74 Randy Trafford 1563 1503 -60
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Randy Trafford 7 7 100.00
2 Paul Zakus 5 5 100.00
2 Richard Sansregret 5 5 100.00
4 Wesley Mah 4 4 100.00
4 Brian Milloy 4 4 100.00
6 Jeff Marks 3 3 100.00
6 Martin Holysh 3 3 100.00
6 Dave Dondale 3 3 100.00
9 Johnathan Johnson 2 2 100.00
9 conaire kehoe 2 2 100.00
9 Daniel Woofter 2 2 100.00
12 Spencer Stupka 1 1 100.00
12 Rick Ironside 1 1 100.00
12 Dexter Michaels 1 1 100.00
12 Jeremy Truscott 1 1 100.00
12 Faisal Shaffi 1 1 100.00
12 Ben Groot 1 1 100.00
18 Nelson Belsher 8 9 88.89
19 Theo Wall 6 7 85.71
20 Ryan Gellatly 5 6 83.33
21 Simas Kvajauskas 9 11 81.82
22 Ben Reeves 8 10 80.00
22 Cam Fard 8 10 80.00
24 Sean McInnes 3 4 75.00
25 Zia Nathoo 7 10 70.00
26 Jayme MacDonald 6 9 66.67
26 Conor Karperien 6 9 66.67
26 Steve Myers 6 9 66.67
29 Dan Bowman 4 6 66.67
30 Wilson McKinnon 6 10 60.00
31 Ken Lucas 3 5 60.00
32 Greg Storwick 6 11 54.55
33 Denton Traptow 7 13 53.85
34 Thomas Nickel 6 12 50.00
35 Brendan Layton 5 10 50.00
35 Chris Morin 5 10 50.00
35 Mufeez Din 5 10 50.00
38 Michael McMahon 3 6 50.00
39 Lachlan Gledhil 2 4 50.00
39 Britt Simmons 2 4 50.00
41 Chris. Williams 1 2 50.00
41 Michael Leung 1 2 50.00
43 Tyler Hartwell 6 13 46.15
44 Birol Fisekci 4 9 44.44
44 Adil Hooda 4 9 44.44
46 Steve Hunter 2 5 40.00
47 Nathan Sheeran 5 13 38.46
48 Nick Cotter 4 11 36.36
49 Quinn Smith 4 12 33.33
50 Jonathan Lau 3 9 33.33
50 Ryley Killam 3 9 33.33
52 Russell Brown 2 6 33.33
53 Ryan McNaughton 1 3 33.33
53 Brandon Shokoples 1 3 33.33
53 Craig Leggatt 1 3 33.33
53 Robert Modray 1 3 33.33
57 Keith Mash 2 7 28.57
58 Bertin LeBlanc 4 15 26.67
59 Tim Choy 3 12 25.00
60 Jason Moore 2 8 25.00
61 Angus Smith 2 9 22.22
61 Scott Stevens 2 9 22.22
63 Kamal Adhikari 1 5 20.00
64 Neil Symington 1 10 10.00
65 Jarrett Milner 1 14 7.14
66 Kyle Surgenor 0 12 0.00
67 Francisco Castrillon 0 4 0.00
68 Rajen Grewal 0 2 0.00
69 Colin Jabusch 0 1 0.00
69 Richard Luebke 0 1 0.00
69 Ifty Hanif 0 1 0.00
69 Kyle May 0 1 0.00
69 Walter Waugh 0 1 0.00
69 Mauricio Monroy 0 1 0.00