Four of a Kind vs. Straight Flush
Four of a Kind Straight Flush

Dwayne Franks

NARROGIN, Western Australia, Australia
1 - 3
14-15, 15-11, 5-15, 10-15

Caitlin Pratt

Narrogin, Western Australia, Australia
1 - 3
11-15, 15-7, 5-15, 6-15

Alyce Smith

NARROGIN, Western Australia, Australia
3 - 0
15-0, 15-0, 15-0
Match Not Played
2 - 3
10-15, 15-14, 15-10, 13-15, 14-15

Sally Dunn

Narrogin, Western Australia, Australia
1 - 3
15-12, 8-15, 6-15, 10-15

Felicia Fritsch

Narrogin, Western Australia, Australia
Matches Won 1 4
Games Won 8 12
Game Points Won 232 234
Penalty Points 0 0
Bonus Points 0 8.00
Total 9 24