Danri Liversage
Danri Liversage

Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa


SportyHQ Rating


Rating Confidence


Matches YTD


Matches All Time

Date Partner Against Result SportyHQ Rating Opp. Rating
26 Aug, 2022 Danri Liversage
Lija Holtzhausen
Isé de la Querra
Carmond Ziegler
2-6 4-6 479 -10
469 -10
344 +30
143 +30
27 Aug, 2021 Danri Liversage
Lija Holtzhausen
Tylo Swanepoel
Caria Swanepoel
2-6 3-6 494 -6
494 -6
496 +6
496 +6
8 May, 2021 Danri Liversage
Lija Holtzhausen
Rése Delport
Mia Du Preez
2-6 5-7 500 -5
500 -5
510 +5
510 +5
7 May, 2021 Danri Liversage
Lija Holtzhausen
Mieke de Villiers
Christell Botha
6-3 7-5 505 +5
505 +5
495 -5
495 -5

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