Rioghan Cunniffe
Rioghan Cunniffe

Dublin, Ireland


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Rioghan's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
NXT GEN Squash (Mixed) Rankings NXT GEN Squash & Tennis 36 48 820 Provisional
Senior Mixed West Wood Club 52 112 820 Provisional
All Seniors Squash Leinster 187 354 820 Provisional
Senior Men Squash Leinster 169 268 820 Provisional
O35 Men Squash Leinster 12 17 820 Provisional
Masters Men Squash Leinster 122 185 820 Provisional
All Masters Squash Leinster 130 218 820 Provisional
Test Ranking List Squash Leinster 413 1746 820 Provisional
Leinster League Ranking Open Squash Leinster 413 1746 820 Provisional

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