Shannon  Render
Shannon Render

Kempton, Gauteng, South Africa

  • Sport:
  • Squash (Singles)

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Shannon 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Ladies National Ranking Squash South Africa Custom 803 1388 1,562
Women Northerns Squash Association 69 119 715
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Shannon 's fans

Alessia Luis

Jhb, Gauteng, South Africa
Shannon is a fan of...

Kathleen de Kock

Olifantsfontein , Gauteng, South Africa

Anushka Janse van Rensburg

Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Amelia Lubbe

Midlands Estate, Gauteng, South Africa

Alessia Luis

Jhb, Gauteng, South Africa

Brianna Robinson

Gauteng, South Africa
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