2021015 LIMPOPO ProKennex Mini 1
7th Feb, 2021 - Play has been suspended due to rain. We will keep you updated.
7th Feb, 2021 - We are currently running ahead of schedule. All players please report to the clubhouse an hour early. Thank you.
6th Feb, 2021 - All second round matches are on court. We have started with the third round matches.
6th Feb, 2021 - Most of the second round matches are under way. Third round players can start reporting at 11:00.
6th Feb, 2021 - All first round matches are on the way. All second round round matches must please report at 10:30.
6th Feb, 2021 - We are still busy drying the courts. Some of the courts are almost ready for play. We hope to start within the next half an hour. We will send the junior players on first.
6th Feb, 2021 - It has stopped raining and we are busy drying the courts. Play will start as soon as the courts are dry.
6th Feb, 2021 - Good morning all, Please note that the start of play has been delayed due to rain. Please check your app regularly for more updates.
5th Feb, 2021 - Please note that the sun is shining at the courts, so play will continue as scheduled.
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Rained through the night and stopped at 6am this morning. Dry at the moment and will keep you updated.
Club Facilities
Level of Competition
Value for Money
Club Facilities
Level of Competition

Club Facilities
Level of Competition

Keep it up guys!!
Club Facilities
Level of Competition
Polokwane Central
Polokwane, Limpopo, Capricorn District - Polokwane, Limpopo 0699
South Africa