2023073 KZN ETA Coke ProKennex Grand Prix
27th Jun, 2023 - No further play - Called off due to Heavy Rain
27th Jun, 2023 - ETA would like to thank all who contributed to the "Click for Food" fund. R710 was collected and was used to supply breakfast and lunch for the 15 development children who took part in this tournament. You gave our children energy and sustenance for all four days which we greatly appreciated. Kim. ETA. Info@durbantennis.co.za
26th Jun, 2023 - Hi Players Due to the delay in start. MAIN DRAW SINGLES MATCHES to be played before Backdraw, then backdraw matches to follow after these. Please can all Main Singles Main Draw Singles Matches Report in by 12 30. Backdraw matches to commence once Main Draw Singles on.
26th Jun, 2023 - Hi All Matches at Westridge Matches are delayed by 2hrs so if you scheduled for 7 : 45 Matches will play 9:45 if you scheduled for 9:15 Matches will play 11:15
22nd Jun, 2023 - Armstrong Sports (Prokennex) are offering a reel of strings on special to all players for R1000 (retail R2300) 200m, IQ Cyclone 16g/16L (1,25mm and 1.30mm) 200m, IQ Hexa 16g (1.28mm) 200m, Poly XT 16L (1,28mm) Collect and pay at the tuck shop, clubhouse 10. Westridge Park Stadium duane@armstrong-sports.com Kind regards Duane
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)

Officials were great, very helpfull and friendly. Thanks to all and Pro Kennex for a great tournament.

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa
Durban 3610
South Africa