Cornwall County Squash Closed
Recent Results
Announcing the 2023 Cornwall County Closed Championships at Truro Squash Club.
The blue ribbon event on the domestic calendar is back!
This premier event is open to ALL Cornwall players of any level and features
both a Championship plus a Plate competition.
Our very top players will compete for the prestigious County title itself while a host
of valued squash enthusiasts will undoubtedly be attracted to "throw their
hats into the ring" and maybe get a fabulous opportunity of a game v a County player before challenging in the plate half of the event.
This is the biggest competition of the season and promises some wonderful Squash
combined with great social fun with our fully stocked bar open throughout!
So get your entry in for Friday 27th til Sunday 29th January 2023 and be a part
of all the action!!!
The closing date for entries 11pm Wed 25th Jan.
The blue ribbon event on the domestic calendar is back!
This premier event is open to ALL Cornwall players of any level and features
both a Championship plus a Plate competition.
Our very top players will compete for the prestigious County title itself while a host
of valued squash enthusiasts will undoubtedly be attracted to "throw their
hats into the ring" and maybe get a fabulous opportunity of a game v a County player before challenging in the plate half of the event.
This is the biggest competition of the season and promises some wonderful Squash
combined with great social fun with our fully stocked bar open throughout!
So get your entry in for Friday 27th til Sunday 29th January 2023 and be a part
of all the action!!!
The closing date for entries 11pm Wed 25th Jan.
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Where & When
Fri, Jan 27th 2023
Sun, Jan 29th 2023
Wed, Jan 25th 2023 10:00pm
Truro Squash & Leisure Club
Truro Squash & Leisure Club Courtney Road
Truro, Cornwall TR1 3TS
United Kingdom
Sanctioned Event
Tournament Officials
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