Super Squashers (Juniors) Sep18

Recent Results
Hi everyone and welcome to Super-Squashers at Bridge of Allan Sports Club. The event is classed as a Bronze level event and is aimed at attracting junior players who are new to the sport, who don't have much competition experience and who want to play a bit of squash outside their lesson time with similar ability players from across the Central Scotland region.

This year we are planning to run six super squasher events. At the moment they are scheduled for 30th Sept 18, 11th Nov 18, 26th Jan 19, 24th Feb 19, 10th Mar 19 and 12th May 19. These dates are provisional at the moment but we will keep you updated as the year goes on.

We will be running the same format as last time - 6 minute timed matches...score as many points as you can in the time available. We will group players according to ability as much as we possibly can. It is our hope to have one or two of the events at squash clubs throughout the Central area to introduce players to different venues and we may decide to run a different format too (e.g. timed games or more tradition best-of-3 games format). Again, this will be made clear on the SportHQ sign-up page.

***Entry fee of £3 per player payable on the day of the event*** This entry fee goes to cover the cost of the court hire at the venue. All coaches and referees volunteer their time to run these events and are not paid.
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Where & When
Sun 30th Sep, 2018
10:30am to 2:00pm

Fri, Sep 28th 2018 12:00pm

Minewood Pavillion
Mine Road
Bridge of Allan FK9 4DY
Sanctioned Event

This is a Scottish Squash (Squash in Scotland) sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Allison Penman

Stirling, Scotland
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