Sophie  Ballentyne
Sophie Ballentyne

Glasgow , Glasgow City, Scotland


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Sophie 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Girls Under 11 West of Scotland 1 2 1,202 Provisional
Girls Under 13 West of Scotland 1 2 1,202 Provisional
Girls Under 15 West of Scotland 1 6 1,202 Provisional
Girls Under 17 West of Scotland 2 7 1,202 Provisional
Girls Under 19 West of Scotland 4 12 1,202 Provisional
Mixed Under 11 West of Scotland 1 4 1,202 Provisional
Mixed Under 13 West of Scotland 1 10 1,202 Provisional
Mixed Under 15 West of Scotland 1 20 1,202 Provisional
Mixed Under 17 West of Scotland 7 29 1,202 Provisional
Women's Newlands Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (Scotland) 49 161 1,202 Provisional
Junior Girls Newlands Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (Scotland) 2 4 1,202 Provisional

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